Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The history of english language

The history of english started with the arrival of three germanic tribes that invaded england in the 5th century. Those tribes are the Saxons, the jutes, and the Angles.

In first english wasn't as we know it nowadays, it was different and difficult to understand by native englisg speakers today, and it is called the old english.

The next period of english Middle english, Middle england emerged when the conqueror of frence in that time, invaded britain, he and his population, which influences people's language in britain, and english becomes mixed with french languages, that's way we find a lot of words in english are actually french words, for instance (prince, princess, marriage, deja vu...), even though, this version of english is still difficult to understand by native english speakers today.

The next period of called the modern english, and it is the english that we speak nowadays.
the Modern english shaped by some of the greatest people throughout the history, people such as william shakespare who controbuted by his peoms and plays adding new words to englis.

Andthere is another one called webster or as the american call him the Father of American english., Webster added many words to english and changed a few of them, and he is famous by his dictionay that has his name on it (WEBSTER DICTIONARY).

Another thing that affect on english is the invention of the internet and the computers, or the technology in general, because english was thirsty for new vocabulary to go with the quick development, Words such as (blog, tweet...)

In addition, You have to know that english is still inventing new words every single day.

Monday, July 30, 2018

The extraordinary way of mastering any language you want

Me: You want to master a language, right?

You: Yes, but languages are hard to master my friend, and they need a long time and a big efford

Me: not really, I want to introduce you a method that can make you fluent in any language you want like native speakers in a very shirt time and less efford what do you think?

You: stop kidding me please that method is exist only in heaven

ME: but you tell me that you want the easiet way to master a language with less efford

You: yes

Me: So let me show you that extraordinary method that you can't find it niether internet nor books

You: Okay I am so exciting about it, tell me

Me: listen to me and don't interupt me until I finish Agree?

You: okey, Go ahead

Me: My friend this method is as easy as ABC, it consists of three simple steps. If you do them as I tell you will be absolutely without doubt like a native speaker.

First step you need to do is to build a time-machine, don't ask me how, I don't give a f**ck, just build it, go watch some movies that show how to build it, and get inspired of them.

the second step is that you have to go back with the time-machine to your past, your long past, particularly the day after you born.

The third step is that you have to kidnaping yourself from the hospital you bornt, and take yourself to the country where people speak the language you are struggling with right now.

And congratulation you have changed history, you have lived with native speakers of the language you want, and now you are a native speaker, you need no effords for studying the language, or going to school, or wasting time about it.

you: are you f**cking kidding me or what?

Me: you said you want the easiest way to master a language with zero efford, and here you are the easiet way to do that.

it's the only way that fits your need.

You: come on, it's a non-logic way

Me: aah. That's right. now yu have to go f**cking put it on the work, and stop bitching and saying the magic way, the easy way, go put it on the work, and burn your ass for it, and your work will pay off my friend.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

10 incedible facts about the UK, that you have never heard about before

10. Who is the authority

Queen elizabet who is the queen of the UK, in fact she has no real power over the country. Instead, the prime minister is the real power over the coubtry.
9.children and alcohol
It is legal for children over 5 years old, to drink alcohol in home, or any private place.

8. England or uk?!!

England is not the uk, this us commonly mistaken. In fact england and uk are different things E.g. England is a big part of the uk, But not the whole country.

7. Do they only speak english?

English is not the only language in the UK as we commonly know, in fact there are other languages that spoken there. Like: Cornish,Irish,Welsh...

6. Big ben!

Big ben is not the tower in london as we think, big ben is the bill that is inside the tower. But a lot of people tend to call the tower Big ben.

5. French in UK!!

French was the official language of the UK for over 300 years, that's why we find a lot of french vocabulary in english, like prince, deja vu, information...

4.vegetarians more than the usual!

There are half million vegetarians in the Uk, it means that they don't eat meat at all. Which is something that I can't do ðŸ˜Š.

3. Which is older stonehenge ir pyramids?

When you ask somebody about what is the eldest thing on earth? He is more likely will say pyramids in egypt. But this is not true, stonehenge which is one of the most popular landmark and the most tourists attractive in UK is the oldest thing that human has made on earth not pyramids as we may think.

2. Confused about the Uk flag?

The uk flag is definitely this
And these flags which are the flag of England, welsh, and Irish.
If you mixed them they will give you the UK flag.

1. UK and football!

Football or soccer is first made in the UK, but they were not playing it as we do nowadays, they were playing it with balls made of cloths, animal hides, and also human skulls.


Thursday, July 19, 2018

10 crazy facts about RUSSIA

What comes to your mind when you think of Russia?
beautiful girls, snow… . Yes that’s what we know about russia, But in this blog I am going to share with you 10 crazy facts about Russia that you may have never ever heard about before.
10. RUSSIA is huge
everybody knows that russia is a big country, however if I give you the image right now of how big it is that’s going to blow your mind as it blew my mind. RUSSIA is actually bigger than pluto the planet.
9. is RUSSAI has a desert?
it may be hard to belive that a cold country like russia has a desert, but its true, russia has a desert like all the desert, it called the Caspian lowland desert.
8. largest Mcdonalds
The biggest Mcdonalds is located in russia, it’s a very large building, with about 700 seats.
7. Russia and the space!
Russia hasd played a large part of the space exploration, that’s way the international space station work with two official languages: english and russian language.
6. Beer was not alcoholic
beer was a normal drink in russia, and it’s normal to see people drinking beer alike they are drinking soft drinks,that’s because it was not considered as alcoholic drink, and it considered as alcoholic drink until 2013!
5. billionaires in russia!
Moscow the capital of russia has more billionaires than any city in the world. there are a total of 74 billionaires which is exactly 3 times more than the second billionaires city Newyork.
4. largest oil producer!
Russia is the  largest oil producer after saudi arabia the first one, and before the US the third one.
3. They die of alcohol!
One of four Russian men die before their 5ths birthday, and the reason why is that a lot of men drink at least 3 bottles of Vodka every single week.
2. beautiful landmarks!
Russia has many beatiful landmarks, and one of the most popular one is called the worker and the woman. it’s beautiful!
1. more women than men!
There are more women than men in Russia, and that’s because of so many men died in the second world war.
I hope you enjoy the blog, tell us which ones are the craziest for you in the comments.

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