Tuesday, August 7, 2018

10 of the craziest facts that you can hear about JAPAN


  JAPAN is one of asian countries that is located between The Pacific Ocean and japan's sea.
                  its flag's design refers to the source of sun because japan location is in the far east.

And here we are with 10 of the craziest facts you can hear about JAPAN:

10. The phenomenon of adoption!!:
Japan ranks first in adoption, but the crazy thing about that is that JAPANESE adopt adults, yes they adopt adults who have about 20 to 30, and most of them are males. they make this crazy adoption if the family that gonna adopt have wealth, and don't have heirs.
9. JAPANESE have a problem with their teeth!!:
one of the most common thing in the world is that a good organized teeth, refers to beauty, right?
but in japan, the opposite is the right, they consider bad organized teeth as a mark of beauty. That comes of the celebrities who make this stuff as a fashion.

8. JAPAN and harassment!!
 JAPAN takes the record of harassment for both kinds physically and verbal one, that's why they created a special subway for women.

7. a japanese person can shift to a cow!!

one of the craziest common myths in japan that blows the listener's mind is that japanese people think that if you eat and you lie immediately you will change to be a cow!!.

6. muslims in japan:

in japan live a few thousands of muslims people, but there're not enough mosques for them, even though in tokyo there is a very beautiful and transparent mosque!.

5. celebration of christmas in japan:
The percentage of christains in japan is only about 1%, and they have a strange celebration, is that they celebrate by standing for 2 to 3 hours for KFS meal!.

4. porn stuff in japan!!
 In japan, there are  gaceries that have the permission to sell porn magazines or movies to people.
3.  it seems like there is no vacations!

Unlike the rest of the world, School holiday in japan does't exceed 7 weeks, and students during this short holiday they work, or they take courses of a language or science.
That's why japanese considere as the most intelligent people in terms of science and math.

2. take a nap during work!!

In japan, it's normal for the employees to take a nap during the work for once without being reprimanded by their employers, and they think that taking a nap during the work is a sign of the loyalty of the employees to the company they are working for.

1. japanese and meat!!

what's crazy again about japanese people is that they prefer the dolphin's meat more than any meat, or beef. They think that dolphin's meat in more healthy and has more quality than the others.

Tell us which crazy fact do you like the most in the comment below?


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