Saturday, August 25, 2018

why you are not happy?

There are plenty of reasons why you are not having a happy life, and here I am going to share with you most reasons why you are not happy with your life: 

1. The way you talk to yourself: 

Most losers unfortunetly talk negatively with themselves, they say words like "My life is a bullshit" or "I hate my self" or "I can't do that". 
And this act is the brief way to kill yourself by yourself. 
I suggest reading this book that  I've read, its very helpful believe me. It will make you more gentle with yourself 😉: 

2. Your friends, family...: 

Yes your friends and family, can be the ones who make your life bad. 
All you have to do is to stop hanging out with negative friends who hold you back. I know its hard but you have to sacrifice and make some good friends who wants to win so that they gonna push you to win too. 

3. Complaining: 

I used to complain about my past life about my daddy who was very taugh to me. About the system, the government. 
You gonna complain and complain, and nothing will change. Stop fucking complaining if you wanna a happy life. 

4: Jealousy: 

What I mean by That, is seeing someone having a good life, buys a new car, a new house, gets a good grades, and not wishing good for them. 

These are examples of the habits that you do daily and that answer your question: 
why my life isn't going well as I want it to be? 

Friday, August 17, 2018

10 amazing facts about morocco

Morocco generally is a very beautiful country, culturally, naturally, and historically. 
And here we are with 10 facts about morocco: 

10. The original people of morocco called berbers "amazigh" 

9. Toubkal is the largest mountain in the country, and the highest peak in Africa.

8. The karawan mosque in fes, is the oldest university in the world, it was built in 849 by a woman named "Fatima al-fihri" 

7. The most well-known Moroccan food is couscous, a dish typically eaten on Fridays – the Islamic holy day. 

6. The most popular sport in Morocco is football (soccer). You’ll find kids and adults playing pick up games on almost every street! 

5. The most dangerous city in terms of crimes and criminals is the economic city casablanca. 

4. Morocco is the world largest producer of illicut hashish 

3. In 1777, Morocco became the first country to recognize the United States of America as an independent nation. 

2. Morocco facts tell us meat also plays an important part in the guest-host relationship. It is considered rude to refuse meat, so if you’re offered meat in Morocco, say yes. 

1. The capital city of Morocco is Rabat, although the largest city is Casablanca with nearly four million people. 

Hope you enjoy the article 😍 And Have a nice day 😉 

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

5 things that people regret when they get old 😔

First of all,  we have to agree that regret is an horrible and painful feeling, that you can't do something about it, because it's too late, Right?

And it really hurts when you get older, and ask yourself "did I lived my life the way it should be"
and the answer is "Oh no".

And today we are going to know about most five things that people regret when they get old, so that we can learn from them how to live our life in a good way and not feel regret about it.

5. Regret of not doing what they wanted to do:
Most of old people regret about the things that they didn't do, because of wasting time on things that are not of benefits, they follow bad habits, bad friends. So when they reach a point, they realize that time has gone and they have nothing to do about it.

4. Regret about what others think of them too much:

And that's one of the biggest poison that people feel regret about. They lived the whole life thinking that other people give a fuck about every second and every act they make in their every day life, so they live for people not for themselves.

3. Been happier more. Not taken life so seriously:
Most of us take life too serious, and we think that this is life, but this is not real life, life is about been happy with what you have. with your family, friends, people around you, with yourself. it's one life that given to us why so serious about it. that's another sort of regret that we will regret about when we get old.

2.  Regret of not takeing risks:
 We all have ideas that we want to apply, but the fear holds us back to stay in our confort zone, in the other side if we take this risk and that risk, I think our life would be better, and we won't regret about it.
1. Regret of not spending much time with family:
Yes, that's another sort of regret, we get through life, and we forget about our relationships, we spend too much time working, but we don't give time to our parents, children, wife..., and I know too many people regret about that, like Steve jobs. he said "I wish I spend too much time with family and friends".

From all these regret, we have to re-think about the way we live our life. or we gonna regret about it just these old people.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

7 powerful rules that gonna make a successful person

To be a successful figure is not that easy as you think, you have to set yourself on the way of seccessful people in order to be like them.

and here we are with 7 rules that make people successful:
• 1 ) Seek knowledge not results:
If you focus on the excitement of discovery , improving, exploring and experimenting , your motivation will always be fueled. If you focus on results , your motivation will be like weather , it will die the minute you hit a storm . Keep thinking about what you are learning along the way and what you can improve .

• 2 )  Avoid fatigue :
when the person makes a lot of efforts , he finds him self exshausted and unable to complete his tasks , so he must know how to organize his time for comfort in order to complete his work .

• 3 ) Get rid of stagnating thoughts:
thoughts influence feelings and feelings determine how you view your work. You have a lot of thoughts in your head and you have always a choice of which ones to focus on : the ones that will make you emotionally stuck (fears , doubts) or the ones that will move emotionally stuck (excitement , experimenting , trying new things , stepping out of your comfort zone ) .

• 4 ) Do not procrastinate :
the person must resolve with a strong spirit and take direct action on the work to be done .

• 5 )  Set Plans :
know your three steps forward , you do not need more . Fill out your daily or weekly calender . when - what - and how is important to schedule . Review how each day went by what you learned and revise what you should improve .

 • 6 )Do not rely on others :
you should never expect others to do it for you , not even your partner , friend or boss . They are all busy with their own needs . No one will make you happy or achive your goal for you . It is all on you .

• 7 ) Put it in the work
A person who is full of energy , enthusiasm , mental and cognitive power will not achieve the desired success if he does not make these things on real work . All these skills will be useless and worthless if they are not translated into reality .

And we gonna end up with a quote of walt disney:
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

Thursday, August 9, 2018

who is Steve jobs? "the man who thoughts different"

About steve jobs:

Steve jobs is the co-founder of the famous company APPLE, and The co-founder of PIXAR studios,
and the founder of NEXT which is a company that will have bought by APPLE lately.

His personality:

Steve jobs was not a good guy as we think, even though he is a successful person in his job and financially,
but he was a wicked guy, who do not show empathy to people, and do not care about their feelings.
he was selfish, and was isulting people that are seem to him like they are stupid, and that was a problem that
will teach him a lesson in life in the forward experiances.
His early life:

Steve jobs born in february 1955 in california. He found him self with a family that adopted him.
his early life was boring to him because he did not like school, and he avoiding that feeling by playing games
and playing with electronics.


After he got to high school steve jobs meet a friend that will be a partner to him lately, called steve wozaniak. woziniak
knew electronics and programming much more than steve, and he was working on a device, that device is the first personal computer ever.
after steve know about it, he suggested to sell it and gain some money, and that what they had done, they sell and sell many pcs, and got money.
Then they decided that they have to build a company together so called APPLE COMPUTERS., and that was the beginning of the impire company "apple".

Fired from apple:

APPLE grow very quick and became a valuable company that competed with the big companies like "IBM".
but there was a problem, steve jobs with his personality, was treating people badly in the company. So apple's administrators decided that he have to leave the company.
and that really happened, steve left the company.

NEXT and Pixar:

Steve jobs didn't go to sleep after, he left apple, however he started a new company so called NEXT,
but this company failed because it couldn't stand up with the competitors.
Then steve move to a completey different area, he launch a company called pixar that creat cartoon movies with some other co-founders, and was a seccessful experiance because
they made some cartoon movies that will came back with a lot of earnings, cartoon movies like "toy story" and "the incredibles" etc.

coming back to Apple:

After steve left Apple, it was getting from bad to worse, So he came back to the company that he started, but steve in that instant was not as he used to, he changed and learnt many things
from his past mistakes, and became wiser than he used to. And with his wise leadership, he led Apple to get out of the crisis, by his fantastic products that shook the world, like "MAC" "IPOD"
"Ipad" "Iphone" etc.

His sudden death:

Steve jobs was suffering with cancer, a few years before his death, and for the sae reason, poor steve jobs died in 5 octobre 2011, with a very successful carrer, and left a company that still
amaze people with it beatiful products, and steve considered as an Icon of 21 century. ' God bless him'

Steve jobs quotes about life:

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work"
 "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking"
 Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. 

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

10 of the craziest facts that you can hear about JAPAN


  JAPAN is one of asian countries that is located between The Pacific Ocean and japan's sea.
                  its flag's design refers to the source of sun because japan location is in the far east.

And here we are with 10 of the craziest facts you can hear about JAPAN:

10. The phenomenon of adoption!!:
Japan ranks first in adoption, but the crazy thing about that is that JAPANESE adopt adults, yes they adopt adults who have about 20 to 30, and most of them are males. they make this crazy adoption if the family that gonna adopt have wealth, and don't have heirs.
9. JAPANESE have a problem with their teeth!!:
one of the most common thing in the world is that a good organized teeth, refers to beauty, right?
but in japan, the opposite is the right, they consider bad organized teeth as a mark of beauty. That comes of the celebrities who make this stuff as a fashion.

8. JAPAN and harassment!!
 JAPAN takes the record of harassment for both kinds physically and verbal one, that's why they created a special subway for women.

7. a japanese person can shift to a cow!!

one of the craziest common myths in japan that blows the listener's mind is that japanese people think that if you eat and you lie immediately you will change to be a cow!!.

6. muslims in japan:

in japan live a few thousands of muslims people, but there're not enough mosques for them, even though in tokyo there is a very beautiful and transparent mosque!.

5. celebration of christmas in japan:
The percentage of christains in japan is only about 1%, and they have a strange celebration, is that they celebrate by standing for 2 to 3 hours for KFS meal!.

4. porn stuff in japan!!
 In japan, there are  gaceries that have the permission to sell porn magazines or movies to people.
3.  it seems like there is no vacations!

Unlike the rest of the world, School holiday in japan does't exceed 7 weeks, and students during this short holiday they work, or they take courses of a language or science.
That's why japanese considere as the most intelligent people in terms of science and math.

2. take a nap during work!!

In japan, it's normal for the employees to take a nap during the work for once without being reprimanded by their employers, and they think that taking a nap during the work is a sign of the loyalty of the employees to the company they are working for.

1. japanese and meat!!

what's crazy again about japanese people is that they prefer the dolphin's meat more than any meat, or beef. They think that dolphin's meat in more healthy and has more quality than the others.

Tell us which crazy fact do you like the most in the comment below?

Monday, August 6, 2018

5 resources that gonna improve your english

You want to learn or improve your english, but you are confused with which free resources that can help you to do that?
For this reason, we are here to help you to choose the best internet resources to learn or to improve your english.
We bring the best valuable ones, that are going to help you in many parts of your process of learning, Listening, speaking, reading, and of caurse Grammar.
lets take a look on the 5 valuable resources that gonna improve your english:


This website is different than any website you van see in  the web, it really helps me in terms of listening and reading, because it contains more than 2.500 lessons in a audio and video form with their scripts. And I have got many vocabularies and expressions that help me in a conversation or in speaking in general.

4. Duolingo:

This app is a very popular app, if you don't know it, its an enjoyable application and a new way of learning english that give you small courses to learn and if you complete a course they reward you, and you don't feel boring at all, I really recommend to visit it.


This website contains plenty of videos of presentations in english that experts and teachers make in front of audiences. They talk about new technologies, researches, explorations. and also everything about psychology, phylosophy, etc.
what really amazing about this videos is that they are beneficial for you in terms of improving your english as well as your knowledge.


Such an amazing website to improve your english by giving you plenty of stories in many types, classics, moderns, short, long, ect. this website will make you enjoy your time, and help you improve your reading skill as well as your imagination as you know.


Finally Grammar, one of the most important skill in any language, I suggest this website, for two reasons, the first one is that it contains the whole lessons that you need to know about english, the second one is that the explanation is very simple and friendly.

Guys I hope this 5 resourses are beneficial for you and I really hope you master english and become the best you.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

10 intereting facts about south korea

South Korea is one of the Asian countries that has known by its arts , culture and the highmlevel of development in terms of technology, and it is one of the best examples that started from scratch to become a leader in several fields. And here we are going to give you 10 interesting facts about south korea.
1- In south korea , babies are considered as one year old at birth.

2- In south korea , it is perfectly legal to drink alcohol in public and in front of people.

3-South koreans consider the number ‘ 4 ‘ as unlucky number , and it is associated with death. This belief seems to have come from china.

4- korean men do the military service for about 2 years , for 21 months exactly.

5- Taxi cars in south korea are color coded according to the level of service they offered.A grey or white taxi is a basic car with a qualified but potentially inexperienced driver , while the black cabs are luxury cars with experienced drivers.

6- south korea is the largest market for plastic surgery per capita in the world.It is estimated between 1/5 and 1/3 of the women in seoul have gone under the knife for at least one cosmetic procedure ( mostly , double eyelid operations ,nose , chin carving ).

7- playing the online video game "starcraft" is a legitimate career in south korea. Since the game launched in 1988 , nearly half of all the games have been sold in south korea. It is one of the best selling games for personal computers in history. There are also cable channels devoted solely to the game.

8- The country is a pioneer in terms of technology , It is one of the countries that have the fastest wireless speeds on the planet.

9- south koreans enjoy showing off their relationship statuses publically. So it is common to see couples holding hands , kissing , and even wearing matching outfits.

10- "pepero day" ~ "빼빼로 데이" Pepero - 빼빼로 : is a light biscuits like a stick covered with chocolate , almonds etc..In 11th november of every year , koreans celebrate in this day with their lovers ,friends and families , but it is more common between couples where they exchange this biscuits , chocolate and romantic gifts.

which fact did you like most in this interesting list?


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