Thursday, August 9, 2018

who is Steve jobs? "the man who thoughts different"

About steve jobs:

Steve jobs is the co-founder of the famous company APPLE, and The co-founder of PIXAR studios,
and the founder of NEXT which is a company that will have bought by APPLE lately.

His personality:

Steve jobs was not a good guy as we think, even though he is a successful person in his job and financially,
but he was a wicked guy, who do not show empathy to people, and do not care about their feelings.
he was selfish, and was isulting people that are seem to him like they are stupid, and that was a problem that
will teach him a lesson in life in the forward experiances.
His early life:

Steve jobs born in february 1955 in california. He found him self with a family that adopted him.
his early life was boring to him because he did not like school, and he avoiding that feeling by playing games
and playing with electronics.


After he got to high school steve jobs meet a friend that will be a partner to him lately, called steve wozaniak. woziniak
knew electronics and programming much more than steve, and he was working on a device, that device is the first personal computer ever.
after steve know about it, he suggested to sell it and gain some money, and that what they had done, they sell and sell many pcs, and got money.
Then they decided that they have to build a company together so called APPLE COMPUTERS., and that was the beginning of the impire company "apple".

Fired from apple:

APPLE grow very quick and became a valuable company that competed with the big companies like "IBM".
but there was a problem, steve jobs with his personality, was treating people badly in the company. So apple's administrators decided that he have to leave the company.
and that really happened, steve left the company.

NEXT and Pixar:

Steve jobs didn't go to sleep after, he left apple, however he started a new company so called NEXT,
but this company failed because it couldn't stand up with the competitors.
Then steve move to a completey different area, he launch a company called pixar that creat cartoon movies with some other co-founders, and was a seccessful experiance because
they made some cartoon movies that will came back with a lot of earnings, cartoon movies like "toy story" and "the incredibles" etc.

coming back to Apple:

After steve left Apple, it was getting from bad to worse, So he came back to the company that he started, but steve in that instant was not as he used to, he changed and learnt many things
from his past mistakes, and became wiser than he used to. And with his wise leadership, he led Apple to get out of the crisis, by his fantastic products that shook the world, like "MAC" "IPOD"
"Ipad" "Iphone" etc.

His sudden death:

Steve jobs was suffering with cancer, a few years before his death, and for the sae reason, poor steve jobs died in 5 octobre 2011, with a very successful carrer, and left a company that still
amaze people with it beatiful products, and steve considered as an Icon of 21 century. ' God bless him'

Steve jobs quotes about life:

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work"
 "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma - which is living with the results of other people's thinking"
 Remembering that I'll be dead soon is the most important tool I've ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life. Because almost everything - all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure - these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. 


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